
The problem with major enterprise projects is that they’re usually once-in-a-career endeavors; you perform most of the tasks for the first time, learning as you go and making mistakes along the way. Experience is everything, and it’s unlikely your IT people have the niche expertise and time to implement everything excellently. Hiring to fill these needs can be difficult because experts are in high demand and expensive. Plus you need to hire support staff and manage your timeline, budget and changes that come up.


With XL Solutions, you can implement any major IT or software project with the expertise of someone who’s done it many times before. We’ll help you build it better, faster and more cost-effectively. Our people are immersed in the latest technologies and techniques and will keep you on the leading edge. We complement your IT team with the niche expertise they don’t have as well as the support personnel you need, including a project manager, a business analyst, architects, engineers, quality analysts, and configuration and deployment managers. They bring talent and discipline that helps you control costs, timing and changes—and manage expectations within your organization. Ask us how we can help you achieve (and exceed) your implementation goals.